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 User Profile : earlgrey

Your Host  : earlgrey
Most Recent Update  : 1 / 6 / 2001
Number of Ratings  : 118
Number of Reviews  : 32 ( 27 % )
Avg Rating  : 6.2
Avg No. Words per Review  : 94.8

Being an avid Sci-fi fan, I enjoy movies such as Star Trek and the like. I also enjoy adventure films. You may or may not agree with me, but I strive to give films as fair a review as possible.

 Email : earlgrey9@integrity.com

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 m o s t   r e c e n t   r e v i e w s
Pitch Black • •  5
Vertical Limit • •  5.5
Stargate • •  8.5
Gladiator • •  7
Final Destination • •  6.5

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