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Quiet Place Part II, A
Year : 2021
Country : United-States

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DokBrowne  [ 7.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Even though it's only 2/3rds of a full movie, "AQPII" stealthily near-equals its predecessor by remaking itself for the most part and using all the same effective tools as before (down to conveniently adding exactly one new character to the fold, to replace the only one who died last time, and having this person function in the very same capacity), just in new set-ups of the same taut crises. In that it doesn't add anything to the series beyond a couple tiny ideas of how other survivors have turned out, this is a bit more like "Jackass 2.5" to "Jackass 2" than "The Empire Strikes Back" to "A New Hope". Expansion pack.

But for a movie with no real ambition, it still gives good suspenseful monster movie horror action and tender family drama, with a small yet impeccable cast (Blunt never falters, Cillian Murphy facing down another horror apocalypse the poor bastard, Djimon Hounsou expectedly occupying very little space but for once at least doing something more embrace-able than quickly-offed henchman) highlighted not by the name actors but the next generation of kids in a savvy move by writer/director John Krasinski to direct the spotlight more brightly on the first film's true scene stealers, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe. They carry more of this than any of the adults and definitely measure up to the delicate intensity required. These aren't just adequate kid props like a family-oriented horror movie usually provides, they're certifiably talented and could compellingly lead this series on their own if it ever came to that.

Krasinski's direction has that patient, clear-eyed showmanship you want to see in a creature feature (or anything, really). He teases, builds up, nimbly cross-cuts the subplot climaxes, establishes crucial spatial comprehension, instills a tactile intimacy with the rural environment, and gooses imagery in highly entertaining ways. If it weren't for the short, lateral moves of this narrative and the reliance on predictable jump scares (c'mon why did they leave that garage door open just enough?) and lazy deus ex machinas, it could've easily been an outstanding and substantial monster movie sequel, which doesn't happen often. Pretty good is still pretty good, though.

Weighted Rating : 6.8
No. Ratings : 1
No. Reviews : 1

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