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 Strangef8's Place

Your Host  : Strangef8
Most Recent Update  : 4 / 12 / 2007
Number of Ratings  : 79
Number of Reviews  : 70 ( 89 % )
Avg Rating  : 6.9
Avg No. Words per Review  : 671.4

Mitch Emerson is a 32 year old movie buff. Not a critic, just a regular dude who likes to sit on the couch and watch a movie. He geeks out over the latest Superhero and Sci-Fi flicks like everybody else. He tries to write reviews in plain English so everybody can enjoy them. There isn't much exploration of the human psyche as seen through the eyes of a mosquito in his reviews. And very seldom does he ever go much deeper than whether or not he enjoyed the flick. He believes that movies should entertain you while occasionally making you think. He doesn't like to list his favorite movies here because he doesn't want you, the reader,to be influenced by his tastes. Some people like mushrooms, he doesn't, but he won't make fun of you if you do. If you want to know more, take a look at his MySpace profile. http://www.myspace.com/dr_strangef8

 Email : strangef8_632@yahoo.com

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 m o s t   r e c e n t   r e v i e w s
Grindhouse • •  8
InZerO • •  6.5
Reign Over Me • •  10
Last Mimzy, The • •  6.5
TMNT • •  7.5

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