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 So you want to be a hero?

Your Host  : mike
Most Recent Update  : 2 / 26 / 2004
Number of Ratings  : 338
Number of Reviews  : 167 ( 49 % )
Avg Rating  : 8.1
Avg No. Words per Review  : 25.5

Don't we all?

who am i?
im nobody. who are you?
are you a nobody too?
then there's a pair of us, don't tell
they'd banish us, you know.


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 m o s t   r e c e n t   r e v i e w s
passion of the Christ, The • •  9.5
Beauty and the Beast • •  8.5
High Fidelity • •  8
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The • •  9
Truman Show, The • •  8

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