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Peggy Sue Got Married
Year : 1986
Country : United-States

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o t h e r   r e v i e w e r s :

JD  [ 5.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

I'm almost embarrassed to rate this because it admit's that I saw it. I'm just not sure why I ever did!

Emmitt  [ 5.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

SO-SO comedy, that stars a young Kathleen Turner. It's hard to believe she looked like that. Funny scene in the car I won't forget.

Love_Spoon  [ 6.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Nostalgic look back at High School in the fifties by Kathleen Turner who has magically been transported there. Endearing in parts, funny in parts, but also quite slow and corny in parts. Kind of a shame that Sofia Coppola has to be in every Francis Ford film (just about...). Interesting and lighthearted premise is pretty much kept afloat by Turner and Francis Ford's direction.

kcremer  [ 7.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Decent going-back-in-time drama with Kathleen Turner and Nicolas Cage. I like how Turner wants to help Cage write a song, so she gives him the lyrics to The Beatles song, 'She Loves You'.

jeff_v   7.5  ]
Movie_Man   4.5  ]
dayfornight   7.0  ]
swblack   7.0  ]
scottwblack   6.5  ]
Corto   5.5  ]
FireGod   4.0  ]
astrosheil   7.5  ]
BigAL   8.0  ]
DokBrowne   5.0  ]

Weighted Rating : 6.3
No. Ratings : 14
No. Reviews : 4

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Ranked by Rating
1986 177
1980's 1601
All-time 14461

Ranked by No. Ratings
1986 17
1980's 172
All-time 874

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